The City of Sonoma is currently accepting bids for the improvements to the City’s Well # 1 Vault. The City of Sonoma will receive bids online via the City of Sonoma Planroom portal until
2:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 11, 2023.
In general, the work consists of safety and operational improvements at the Well No. 1 vault. This includes replacement of the vault cover with a new traffic-rated OSHA compliant double access hatch. Replacement of the two existing sodium hypochlorite storage tanks with three new sodium hypochlorite storage tanks and the additional of a mixing tank inside the vault. Relocation of the existing chemical metering pump and power receptacle. Installation of a new forced-air ventilation system, as well as waterproofing of the interior vault. Replacement of the existing sump pump with two new sump pumps.