2023 Water Rate Study
Summary and Current Status
In January 2023, the City hired a consultant to prepare a detailed 2023 Water Rate Study to assess the need for rate adjustments to continue providing a reliable water supply. Sonoma City Council will receive a presentation about the Water Rate Study at thier special meeting on July 19th. Notices concerning proposed water rate increases were mailed to City water customers and property owners in mid-August. A public hearing was held on October 4, 2023, to consider the proposed increases in the City’s rates and charges for water service.
The Sonoma City Council approved a 5% per year water rate increase, at their regular meeting on October 4th, 2023. The new rates will be effective December 1, 2023.
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Background & Summary
The City of Sonoma owns and operates a water transmission and distribution system with the service goal of providing clean drinking water to customers. The City’s Water Utility is funded through the Water Enterprise Fund, which means that costs and revenues are segmented in a separate fund outside of the City’s General Fund.
The creation of rates to charge water customers requires a detailed financial and rate analysis process in order to create a sustainable financial plan and an optimal rate structure based on various policy objectives, as well as to ensure compliance with Proposition 218 (a state law that limits the methods by which local governments can create or increase taxes, fees and charges).
Due to several factors including an unprecedented drought, continual changes in laws governing water rates, and capital improvement need for the water infrastructure system the City Council budgeted funding in the FY 22/23 budget and directed staff to initiate a comprehensive water rate study and analysis. On September 12, 2022, the City released a Request for Proposal to prepare a water rate study to update the City’s November 2018 Water Rate Study.