FAQ Topic: Water Rates

When were water rates last increased?

Water rates were last studied in 2014, and the City Council adopted a 5-year schedule of increases. The last rate increase was 5% which was implemented in February 2018.

How much is the rate increase?

Customers’ actual increases will differ depending on the type of account (residential, commercial, industrial), meter size, and water use. The specific increase to you will depend on the size of your meter and the amount of water you use. There will be a rate increase effective September 1. There will not be a rate increase … Continued

How much more revenue does the Water Utility need to raise?

The overall utility-wide revenue increase needed from September 2018 through June 2019 is 3.5%. Subsequent required revenue increases are 7.5% in each of July 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022. The total revenue increases needed per year results in the rate increases shown in the Proposed Monthly Service Charges table in the Proposition 218 Notice.

Why do my water rates need to increase?

Residents, visitors and businesses in Sonoma count on the City to deliver high-quality, reliable water for a variety of community needs including indoor use, outside irrigation and fire protection. The water utility is self-funded, meaning its revenues must equal its expenditures. Water rates must cover the cost of service and maintain prudent reserves in case … Continued

What do water rates pay for?

Water rates pay for ongoing operations, maintenance, repair and improvements of the City’s water utility. Costs include the purchase of water plus operation and maintenance of wells, water mains, fire hydrants, valves, meters, pumps and other infrastructure. Rates also pay for capital improvement projects to upgrade water pipes and other infrastructure to ensure the City … Continued

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