2-1-1 (or 211) is a free service that connects community members to information about a wide range of critical health and human services available in their community. 2-1-1 Sonoma County is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 2-1-1 utilizes both bilingual Call Specialists and a phone-based translation service to offer 2-1-1 information … Continued
The Sonoma Valley Regional Library, located at 755 West Napa St., is part of the Sonoma County Library System. A local Library Advisory Board provides information and make recommendations to the County Library Commission and the Library Director on matters affecting library service based on input from the Sonoma Valley service area. The Friends of the … Continued
Information on setting up water and garbage service is available at the Finance Department. Additional information for new residents can be found at the Chamber of Commerce’s relocation guide page.
For information regarding the “Adopt-A-Bike Path” program, contact the Public Works Department at (707) 938-3332. Further information on the “Adopt-A-Bike Path” is available here on the website.
To report a pothole in the City of Sonoma, contact Public Works at (707) 938-3332. To report a pothole outside city limits, contact the County of Sonoma at (707) 565-2231.
Contact the Public Works Department at 938-3332. Report the address and/or the location. If possible provide the number that is located midway on the pole. Allow two weeks for repairs.
Contact the Sonoma Valley Unified School District for public school enrollment. Many of the area’s private schools are listed in the Chamber of Commerce directory.