FAQ Topic: Resident FAQ

I’m new to the city. How do I set up services?

Information on setting up water and garbage service is available at the Finance Department.  Additional information for new residents can be found at the Chamber of Commerce’s relocation guide page.

How do I get the agenda and reports for City meetings?

Our CivicWeb meeting portal provides the calendar, agenda, and meeting materials for City Council and commission meetings.  You can subscribe to agenda updates, and watch televised meetings on CivicWeb, either live or through the archive.  In addition, you can use CivicWeb to review the City’s municipal code, contact your councilmembers, or apply for commission openings.

What is the Mobilehome Park Rent Control Ordinance?

In 1992 the City Council adopted a Mobilehome Park Rent Control Ordinance to “assure that economic hardship to a substantial number of mobilehome park tenants in the City, many of whom are senior citizens on low fixed incomes, does not occur”.  The ordinance also established “a mechanism to assist in in the resolution of disputes … Continued

How do I license my dog and how much does it cost?

All dogs over the age of 4 months in the city limits be licensed. If your dog is lost, the license will enable us to identify him and return him to you more quickly. A dog license costs $25 for a dog that has been neutered and $50 for one that has not. Owners who … Continued

How do I register to vote?

The California Secretary of State provides information on voter registration.  Vote by mail information is maintained by the County of Sonoma.

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