FAQ Topic: Planning & Building

What are the size and height requirements for Accessory Dwelling Units?

Attached accessory dwelling unit. The minimum floor area is 150 s.f.  The minimum dimension of any habitable room, except kitchens, is 7 feet in any horizontal direction (CA Residential Code R304.2).  The minimum ceiling height shall comply with the CA Residential Code. The maximum size is 30 percent of the existing living area of the … Continued

Who can live in an Accessory Dwelling Unit?

Anyone can live in an accessory dwelling unit, junior accessory dwelling unit, or efficiency dwelling unit. The owner of the property shall reside on the property in either the main or accessory dwelling unit (upon construction). Accessory dwelling units, junior accessory dwelling units, or efficiency dwelling units may be rented for periods of 30 days … Continued

Where are Accessory Dwelling Units allowed?

The following applies to Accessory Dwelling Units, Junior Accessory Dwelling Units, and Efficiency Dwelling Units: Accessory dwelling units are allowed in the R-HS, R-R, R-L, R-S, R-M, R-H, R-O, and R-P zones. An accessory dwelling unit shall not be located on any parcel already containing a dwelling unit that is non-confirming with respect to land … Continued

What are the types of “Accessory Dwelling Units” or ADUs?

An accessory dwelling unit is an attached or detached residential dwelling unit which provides complete independent living facilities for one or more persons, and includes separate permanent provisions for entry, living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation on the same parcel as a single-family dwelling. An accessory dwelling unit may also be provided as an efficiency … Continued

Can chain stores and franchises locate in Sonoma?

The City has a formula business ordinance which places certain restrictions and requirements on chain and franchise businesses.  Learn more about the formula business ordinance and contact the Planning Department for more information.

Is there any way to expedite my building permit?

FAST START Plan Check is a way to “fast track” the processing of your building permit application so you can get your project underway quickly. We recognize that for many projects, time is of the essence.  Using FAST START can significantly reduce the turnaround on your plan check, enabling you to get going faster.  There’s no … Continued

What is a special inspector and how do I find one?

A Special Inspector is a third party, independent inspector hired by the property owner to inspect specific elements of a project (i.e. welding, structural bolting, high strength concrete, masonry, fireproofing, etc.) as prescribed by the building code.  Special Inspection firms that have been recognized by the City of Sonoma for specific types of special inspections … Continued

How do I schedule a building inspection?

Building inspections can be scheduled by phone, fax or in person at City Hall. The information needed before an inspection can take place includes the job address, inspection type, time of day for the inspection (i.e. morning or afternoon), your name, your phone number and the permit number. To schedule by phone, call 707-938-3681 during … Continued

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