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FAQ Topic: Business

How long is my license valid?

Business Licenses are valid from January 1 through December 31 of each year. Businesses that start operating after July 1 are prorated.

How much do I have to pay?

The business license fee is based on the type of business. Please refer to the full business license fee schedule for a full list of fees. Business Licenses are valid from January 1 through December 31 of each year. Businesses that start operating after July 1 are prorated. To avoid penalties, license fees must be … Continued

Where can I obtain a business license application?

Applications can be picked up in person at City Hall (No. 1, The Plaza, Sonoma, CA 95476) or downloaded from the City’s website. You also have the option of fully applying online. Once you’ve submitted an application online, you will receive an email with instructions on how to complete payment.

What is a business license?

A business license is a permit issued by a government agency that grants you the right to operate a business within their geographical jurisdiction.

What is the minimum wage in Sonoma?

The Sonoma City Council passed a local minimum wage ordinance in 2019.  Chapter 2.80 of the Sonoma Municipal Code establishes a minimum wage rate to be paid by Large Employers (26 or more employees) and Small Employers (25 or fewer employees) with annual adjustments. Effective January 2023, the Sonoma minimum wage rate is $17.00/hour for … Continued

What are the regulations for wine tasting rooms?

In the spring of 2019 the City Council adopted an ordinance regulating wine tasting facilities that includes limits on the total number and location of tasting rooms in the Plaza Retail Overlay Zone, requires a conditional use permit for new tasting rooms, and puts in place certain other requirements.  Learn more on the Wine Tasting … Continued

Can I open a vacation rental business in the City of Sonoma?

The Sonoma City Council has adopted regulations prohibiting new vacation rentals, which were effective in early 2018.  Existing, licensed vacation rentals are allowed to continue, provided they meet updated operating standards.  Under the new ordinance, vacation rentals are no longer a conditionally-permitted in the Mixed Use and Commercial zones (new vacation rentals were already prohibited … Continued

Can chain stores and franchises locate in Sonoma?

The City has a formula business ordinance which places certain restrictions and requirements on chain and franchise businesses.  Learn more about the formula business ordinance and contact the Planning Department for more information.

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