How do I get a fictitious business name?
This would be done through the County of Sonoma. Additional information and forms can be found on the County of Sonoma website.
This would be done through the County of Sonoma. Additional information and forms can be found on the County of Sonoma website.
If you are doing any kind of business out of your home, you must obtain a home occupation permit from the City of Sonoma Planning Department. Apply Online.
Yes, you do need a City of Sonoma Business License. Even though you are not serving local customers, your business is operating within the City of Sonoma. There is no specific category for home businesses, so you would select the classification/category that is applicable to the services you provide.
If the City does not have evidence of notification from you and records indicate your license was not inactivated, then you must pay for last year’s business license, including penalties before you can obtain a license for the new year.
No, businesses are not required to pay both business taxes. If services are provided, then the business tax would only be calculated based on the services, not delivery. For example: a business delivers furniture to a new restaurant, assembles, and installs the furniture. The business license tax would be calculated based on category “A” / … Continued
For each motor vehicle used for the delivery of goods, wares merchandise, or tangible property within the City of Sonoma from a supply or stock outside of the City, the business license tax shall be calculated according to the following: Delivery for redistribution or resale: $44.00 for each vehicle Delivery of construction materials to job sites: $60.00 … Continued
The annual business license tax shall be based on the average number of persons employed during the previous calendar year (SMC 5.08). In this scenario, five employees would be used to calculate the business license tax.
To avoid penalties, license fees must be paid by February 1 of each year. If payment is received after the delinquent date with a late or missing postmark – the payment will be considered late, penalties will be added and a balance due email will be sent to you.
Business Licenses must be renewed annually. The City mails courtesy renewal notices in December for the following calendar year. It is the business’s responsibility to ensure their license is renewed on an annual basis prior to the due date.
Yes. All businesses are required to pay the annual state-mandated fee. On September 12, 2012, Governor Brown signed Senate Bill 1186 (SB 1186) into law. SB 1186 is intended to increase disability access, encourage compliance with construction-related accessibility requirements, develop education resources for businesses, and facilitate compliance with Federal and State disability laws. From January … Continued