We are pleased to announce that Measure T has been approved by the voters with 58.82% voting in favor. This significant step reflects the community’s commitment to maintaining and enhancing essential City services.
Measure T, a half-cent (0.5%) increase in the local sales tax, is projected to generate approximately $3 million annually and will go into effect in April 2025. These funds will be dedicated to supporting vital city services, such as emergency response, public safety, street and park maintenance, housing programs, and more. This funding will help ensure financial stability and pave the way for expanded services, including the creation of a Parks and Recreation Department.
To ensure transparency and community involvement, the use of Measure T funds will be evaluated and discussed as part of the City’s public budget process. This will provide opportunities for community input, starting with the City Council Goal Setting on January 30th at the Lodge at Sonoma.
Thank you again for your vote of confidence and commitment to Sonoma’s future.
Find local election results on the Sonoma County Registrar of Voters website.