Help us shape the future of our community’s housing needs by taking the Housing Needs and Priorities survey. Taking this survey will automatically give you a chance to win a $50 gift card!
The City of Sonoma is in the process of updating the Housing Element of the General Plan for the 2023-2031 period as required by State law. The Housing Element establishes policies and programs to address Sonoma’s existing and projected housing needs, including the City’s “fair share” of the regional housing need (or “RHNA”). If you live or work in the City of Sonoma, please complete the following short survey to provide us with your input.
The intent of this survey is to help City staff and our consultant team to better draft goals and policies for the Housing Element Update that reflect the priorities, concerns, and needs of Sonoma’s residents and stakeholders. There will be additional opportunities for the community to comment on the Housing Element Update, including public hearings for consideration of the Draft Housing Element.
The survey closes on April 22nd. All survey results will be anonymous. Survey limited to one per household. Take the survey:
- In English – www.surveymonkey.com/r/Sonoma_6thHE
- In Spanish – www.surveymonkey.com/r/Sonoma_6thHE?lang=es
Learn more about the city’s Housing Element Update and watch the virtual workshop on our website.