We extend our gratitude to those who were able to participate in the community meeting at Valley Oaks Park (pictured). We’re excited to introduce an online questionnaire that will help shape the upcoming park improvements.
To respond to several questions, participants will need to be familiar with the three concept design alternatives.
You can view larger images of these concepts on the project page or click the following links to view/download enlarged versions: See Option 1, See Option 2, See Option 3, See Play Element Examples.
Your input will guide us in tailoring these enhancements to meet the specific needs of our community. The questionnaire is open through November 16th. Please take a moment to answer 10 questions:
What’s Coming Next: The proposed concept plans will be presented to the Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Commission during their meeting scheduled for December 13, 2023.
To stay informed and receive updates on the Sonoma Valley Oaks Park Enhancement Project, visit our project webpage.