Special Event Fees


Application Fees

The application fee is determined by the amount of time necessary from set-up to tear-down of your event.  If your event from set-up to tear-down lasts less than 8 hours it is deemed a small scale event.  For those events occurring in the Plaza, the event is deemed a large scale event if it requires the use of more than one section of the Plaza being reserved.

Small Event Application Fee - $631

Large Event Application Fee - $1,528

Rental Fees

Rental Fees are quoted by section per day, to determine fees for events that last multiple days’ one need to multiple daily use fees by the number of days.

Sonoma Plaza (fee per day)

Click Here To see more information on each Sonoma Plaza event venue.

Sonoma Plaza South East Quadrant - $400

Sonoma Plaza South West Quadrant - $300

Sonoma Plaza North East Quadrant - $300

Sonoma Plaza North West Quadrant - $300

Sonoma Plaza Grinstead Amphitheater - $200

Sonoma Plaza Front Horseshoe - $200

Sonoma Plaza Rear Parking Lot - $300

Depot Park (fee per day)

Click Here to see more information on each Depot Park event venue.

Section 1 - $50

Section 2 - $50

Section 3 - $100

Volley Ball Courts - $50

South Parking Lot - $100

Security Deposit

The refundable Security Deposit is equal to the amount of rent; the Security Deposit is refunded within a period of 30 days for small scale events and will be refunded 30 days post the final CSEC review for all large scale events.

Other Fees

Street Use - Events requiring road closures or use of City streets are required to submit a Street Use Application. The fees associated with this type of permit include the application fee of $878 plus any additional parking that is being taken aware from the public (parking is calculated at $20 per space). The event organizer is responsible for any cost incurred by the City of Sonoma including: labor, equipment rental, and materials. All Street Use Applications are subject to the approval of the Sonoma City Council.
Reservation of Public Parking - Events that require the use of reserved parking within the City of Sonoma are required to submit a Reservation of Public Parking Application. The fees associated with this permit include an application fee for $281 plus $20 per space per day.
Serving Alcohol - If you plan to serve or sell alcohol as part of the event; it’s required to submit a Possession and Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages Application (link). This form requires the signature of property owner (City Manager) and the police department (Sonoma Police Sergeant). In addition if charging a fee for alcohol or charging an admittance fee and serving alcohol, you must obtain a temporary sales permit from the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board @ 50 D St. Room 130, Santa Rosa 95404 707.576.2165  The fees associated with the Possession and Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages Application are $277.
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