Sonoma Valley Hospital will hold a virtual Covid-19 meeting online on Tuesday, September 21, from 3:00 – 4:00 pm, to update the community on where we stand with the COVID-19 pandemic. Sabrina Kidd, MD, Chief Medical Officer and UCSF Medical Director for Sonoma Valley Hospital, will report on the presence of Covid-19 in our community and region, and share the latest information and recommendations from county, state and federal agencies.
We encourage you to submit your questions in advance, please email us at community@sonomavalleyhospital.org or call our Community Outreach Team at 707.935.5257.
Community members can access the event from their computer via Zoom on Tuesday, September, 21, at 3:00 pm by using this link: https://sonomavalleyhospital-org.zoom.us/j/92375935274 (Meeting ID: 92375935274). A Spanish simulcast will be broadcasted by SonomaTV at their YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/SonomaTV
If you do not have internet access, Vintage House will be hosting a viewing room at their location: 264 1st Street East, Sonoma. Please contact them directly for details and reservations at 707-996-0311.
Other resources for assistance include La Luz Center at 707.938-5131 and the Community Outreach Team at the SVH at 707.935.5257 or email community@sonomavalleyhospital.org.
This event will be recorded and made available within two weeks at our website, www.sonomavalleyhospital.org.