Sonoma Valley Community Advisory Commission

The Sonoma Valley Community Advisory Commission (formerly known as the Sonoma Valley Citizens Advisory Commission) was created through a Joint Powers Agreement between the County of Sonoma and the City of Sonoma. Its purpose is to provide a public forum to deliberate planning decisions impacting both the City of Sonoma and the unincorporated areas of the Sonoma Valley.

It provides a regular forum for community participation in the formation of public policy, to consider issues concerning the Sonoma Valley, evaluate solutions of these issues, advise elected officials and other decision makers, and form a bridge for communication between the various governmental agencies and the general public

The commission consists of eleven commissioners, three alternates, and two Emeritus (non-voting) commissioners, and 3 Ex-Officio (non-voting) members. The City of Sonoma appoints and is represented on the commission by three commissioners, one alternate and one Council member, Planning Commissioner, or Planning staff member.

The SVCAC meets on the fourth Wednesday of most months, 6:30 pm, City of Sonoma Council Chambers, 177 First Street West, Sonoma. County staff, through Supervisor Rebecca Hermosillo’s office prepare the agendas and materials for the meetings.  For additional information please contact Sonoma County.

If you are a City of Sonoma resident and would like to serve on the SVCAC, please complete an application on our CivicWeb Portal.

To view meeting agendas, please visit the SVCAC page on our CivicWeb Portal.

Sonoma County Contact Information:

Anna Tamayo Madarieta
707-565-2241 (o) / 707-608-3933 (c)

City of Sonoma Contact Information:

City Clerk’s Office

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