To create safe opportunities for businesses to operate, the City may be closing First Street East along the Plaza (between East Spain Street and East Napa Street) for “Sonoma Promenade,” Thursday through Sunday evenings between 5:00 PM – 10:00 PM through October 4th, 2020.
Sonoma Promenade is part of the City’s Sonoma Al Fresco program that was created to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on Sonoma businesses by allowing businesses to temporarily add or expand their outside service options to accommodate COVID-19 related health standards. This allows businesses to remain open and patrons to enjoy Sonoma’s al fresco experiences while maintaining safe areas for pedestrians.
The schedule for street closures will be based on interest. If this is a program you would be interested in participating in, please complete the Outdoor Temporary Facility Weekend Expansion Permit and email it to Lisa Janson at Ljanson@sonomacity.org.