The Sonoma County health officer has issued a modified parks closure order that allows residents to walk or bike to parks from their homes beginning April 29, 2020, and until further notice. The order replaces the total parks closure order of March 23, 2020.
Please read the full order No. C19-10 “Amended parks closure order to prevent the spread of covid-19, allowing limited, non-vehicular access to some parks, for neighborhood walking, jogging, hiking and bicycling” carefully and refer to the County of Sonoma’s FAQ’s (following the order) on socoemergency.org for more information.
General restrictions and requirements for all City of Sonoma parks as per the Sonoma County Public Health Officer Order:
- The amended order allows people to walk or cycle into their closest parks for basic exercise. Driving to a park is not allowed.
- Parking is available only if you have a disability. Accessible parking is available at Depot Park, Plaza Park, Pinelli Park, and the Fourth Street West entrance to Montini Preserve.
- Parking in park neighborhoods violates the amended order.
- Park use is for walking, hiking, jogging and bicycling (where allowed) only. Parking lots, restrooms, playgrounds, picnic areas and sports courts remain closed.
- Every potential park user must conduct a self-assessment of their health and shall not enter a Park if they have any symptoms consistent with COVID-19 or if they had direct contact with a COVID-19 positive individual(s) in the past 14 days.
- Carry facial coverings at all times and wear them when unable to maintain a six-foot distance from persons who are not part of the same household or living unit (such as when passing on a trail)
- All park users must practice social distancing and hygiene protocols.
Specific Updates for Sonoma Parks and Facilities
- Overlook Trail and Montini Preserve
- Open for hiking, jogging and walking.
- Bicycling is not allowed.
- No Parking.
- Bike Paths
- Open for walking, jogging, and cycling.
- Plaza Park
- Pedestrian walkways are open.
- Lawns are closed for recreational use, but people may walk on lawn areas to maintain 6ft physical distance from others on pathways.
- All recreational areas and facilities are closed including:
- Amphitheater
- Benches
- Drinking Fountains
- Picnic tables
- Playgrounds
- Restrooms
- Neighborhood Parks including Armstrong Park, Depot Park, Herenstein Park, Juan Vineyard, K.T. Carter Park, MacArthur Park, Madera Park (Fryer Creek), Nathanson Creek Park and Preserve, Olsen Park, Pinelli Park, and Sonoma Valley Oaks
- Pedestrian walkways are open.
- Lawns are closed for recreational use, but people may walk on lawn areas to maintain 6ft physical distance from others on pathways.
- All recreational areas and facilities are closed including:
- Basketball Courts
- Benches
- Bocce and Petanque Courts
- Drinking Fountains
- Barbeque Pits
- Picnic Areas
- Playgrounds
- Sonoma Garden Park is open as an agricultural operation providing food for participants, in compliance with the following additional social-distancing and hygiene protocols:
- Operated only for the purpose of food growth/production;
- Soap and running water available;
- No more than one person in a garden at a time, unless it is sufficiently large to accommodate more than one person while maintaining at least six feet of distance at all times;
- All garden entry and use subject to the health and exposure self-assessment limitations set out in section “8.c” and “8.d”of the Amended Park Closure Order;
- Facial coverings worn in order to allow more than one person at a time in a garden, in addition to maintaining the six feet of distance between gardeners;
- Gardeners strongly encouraged to bring their own tools;
- All tools used will be cleaned with a CDC recommended disinfected after each use and will not be shared throughout the day;
- Gardeners must use their own gloves;
- Benches and other communal spaces are off-limits for the duration of this Order.
- Sonoma Dog Park
- Closed per section 8.b of the Amended Park Closure Order
- Cemeteries – Mountain, Valley and Veterans
- Open for visiting gravesites.
- Open for funerals with no more than 10 people.
- Open for hiking and walking.
- Social distancing and facial coverings are required.
- Public Schools are closed except for pathway through Sonoma Valley High School along Nathanson Creek.
- State Park Properties are closed except for Sonoma Bike Path through Vallejo Home and pedestrian path near Barracks.