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The County of Sonoma is offering free, drive-thru coronavirus testing at Altimira Middle School, 17805 Arnold Dr, Sonoma on Saturday, October 17th, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM. Information on how to keep yourself and your family safe and where to access food and financial support is provided if needed. TESTING INFORMATION If you are working...

Rental assistance resources are available for renters and landlords. Who is Eligible? Renter households having trouble paying rent or utilities due to COVID-19 job loss or reduced hours; have a COVID-19 positive exposure or diagnosis. Households must be at, or below, 80% Sonoma County AMI. Landlords who have tenants behind on rent due to COVID-19 job...

The following is a Press Release from the County of Sonoma. En Español. With Halloween and Dia de los Muertos quickly approaching, the County is reminding residents to plan ahead and celebrate safely this year by avoiding gatherings. Many traditional holiday activities promote gatherings and mixing of households, which increase the risk of transmitting COVID-19....

UPDATED 10/13, 10:48 AM The National Weather Service has issued a 'Red Flag Warning' due to dry conditions and gusty winds in the North Bay Mountains beginning Wednesday, October 14th at 5:00 AM through Friday, October 16th at 11:00 AM. Due to these conditions, PG&E ‪has raised the Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) potential to...

Sonoma has always valued its small-town character which is supported by small unique businesses, many of which have been homegrown in the Sonoma Valley. Unfortunately, in March of this year, the coronavirus dramatically affected how we live, our public health and the economy. For Sonoma County, State guidance has closed restaurants for indoor dining, increasing...

The Sonoma Valley Community Health Center (SVCHC) will be offering flu shots at no cost at a drive-thru Flu Clinics at Vintage House, located at 264 1st St East. The clinics will take place on Thursday, October 15th and Thursday, October 22nd from 10:00 AM - 12:00 NOON. Questions? Call SVCHC at: 939-6070 #112 or...

Vote-by-Mail ballots for the Nov. 3, 2020 Consolidated General Election began going out this week to all active, registered voters in Sonoma County. Most of these ballots should arrive within three to 10 days. Also starting this week, voters who want their ballots sooner may come to the Sonoma County Registrar of Voters Office at...

Climate Action Strategies The City of Sonoma has set a challenging goal of reaching “net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2030.” The Climate Action Commission worked closely with city staff to prepare the  Climate Action Strategies, setting out a range of feasible measures to accomplish this objective. This draft plan was updated after receiving...

Mayors and law enforcement leaders in Sonoma County recently came together and made a commitment to review law enforcement "use of force" policies and identify any necessary changes.  The City of Sonoma contracts for law enforcement services with Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office, and the operational policies of the Sheriff’s Department are followed by deputies assigned...

The City of Sonoma is committed to sustainability. While the City has taken a leadership role, implementing climate actions and enhancing environmental sustainability requires a community-wide effort. We invite you to explore this website to learn how you can participate to increase your own climate actions and sustainability efforts. Follow the links below to learn...

Sonoma’s rich history, welcoming atmosphere, and world-class wines attract tourists from around the world. We urge all our visitors to practice sustainable tourism to reduce your carbon footprint, which reduces our community’s carbon footprint. Below are various resources to help you save energy including Sustainable Tourism Tools and Sustainable Tourism Actions. Sustainable Tourism Tools Sustainable...

There are a variety of other climate and sustainability actions that foster community environmental sustainability. The actions can directly and indirectly reduce our carbon footprint. In addition, many of these also provide various co-benefits such as improved recreation opportunities, sustainable tourism, improved wildlife habitat, access to local fresh food, and supporting our local economy. Below...

The prevention and elimination of solid waste is a critical step in sustainability. The production of goods is one of the main contributors to global climate change. Avoiding the purchase of single-use items reduces the upstream impacts (the production side) and the downstream impacts (waste, litter, and marine pollution). And, greenhouse gas pollutants are generated...

Fossil fuel consumed for transportation is the largest contributor of greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution in Sonoma accounting for 60% of our overall GHG emissions. Not driving or driving less by carpooling; using Sonoma’s public transportation or a taxi or rideshare or shifting to people-powered transportation by walking or biking are key actions you can take....

Water is a precious and limited resource in California. Reducing your consumption of water through conservation measures helps to save this resource while reducing the energy consumption and associated greenhouse gas pollution to pump, treat, and distribute water in addition to pumping and treating wastewater. Below are various resources to help you save water including...

Energy consumption in our homes, businesses, public buildings, and schools is the second largest contributor of greenhouse gas pollution in Sonoma accounting for 23% of overall GHG emissions. The more fossil-fuel based electricity and natural gas we consume, the greater the environmental impact. Reducing the amount of energy we consume through energy efficiency and energy...

Your input is needed! Please take this short survey about your traffic safety experiences and concerns. Anyone who lives in Sonoma County can take the survey. Responses will be used to create a Vision Zero Action Plan to eliminate traffic deaths. English: ¡Necesitamos tu opinión! Responde a esta breve encuesta sobre tus experiencias e...

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