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Through a contract with the City, the Sonoma Valley Chamber of Commerce provides one-on-one assistance to potential start-ups, giving you the resources and information you need to turn your idea into reality.  Visit their start-up page and contact the Chamber to set up a meeting.  

Any person or company conducting business within the city limits of the City of Sonoma, whether ongoing or one-time only, is required to have an active business license. To apply for a business license, please download the business license application. You can determine the amount due for your license using the fee schedule listed on...

Visit Sonoma County Transit for bus routes and schedules.

Californians must renew their vehicles’ registration annually, as required by the CA Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Registration fees provide funding for such things as the building and upkeep of streets and highways, the California Highway Patrol, and local county departments. You can renew online, in-person, by mail or telephone at (800) 921-1117. You must renew in-person if...

You can get a California Driver’s License at the Department of Motor Vehicles. The nearest DMV’s are in Napa and Petaluma.

Current openings are posted on the Employment page of the City's website.  Full-time and part-time positions are recruited by the City on an as-needed basis when vacancies occur. Public Safety classifications for Police and Fire are provided for under separate contract with outside agencies.   All personnel recruitments and information for public safety classifications are handled by their respective...

Police department homepage. Information about chief, police officers, community outreach, protection resources, safety programs, crime stoppers, who to call

Information on City Council and commissions as well as public safety, community development, public works, recreation services, and special events.

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Quick access to city officials and department personnel. Contact your city offices

As an employer, the City of Sonoma strives to provide a working environment that is innovative and flexible. The city recognizes dedication and hard work, but also encourages employees to retain a work / life balance. The city prides itself on cultivating a family-friendly environment. One example of this is the Alternative Work Schedule program....

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