How long is my license valid?
Business Licenses are valid from January 1 through December 31 of each year. Businesses that start operating after July 1 are prorated.
Business Licenses are valid from January 1 through December 31 of each year. Businesses that start operating after July 1 are prorated.
Once a complete application/renewal is received and payment has been processed, the hard copy business license will be mailed to you in about 2 weeks.
The business license fee is based on the type of business. Please refer to the full business license fee schedule for a full list of fees. Business Licenses are valid from January 1 through December 31 of each year. Businesses that start operating after July 1 are prorated. To avoid penalties, license fees must be … Continued
Applications can be picked up in person at City Hall (No. 1, The Plaza, Sonoma, CA 95476) or downloaded from the City’s website. You also have the option of fully applying online. Once you’ve submitted an application online, you will receive an email with instructions on how to complete payment.
Anyone who plans on conducting business within the City of Sonoma is required to apply prior to starting a business.
A business license is a permit issued by a government agency that grants you the right to operate a business within their geographical jurisdiction.
SolarAPP+, short for Solar Automated Permit Processing, is an online web portal that automates the plan review process for issuing permits to qualified contractors to install code-compliant residential (1 & 2 family dwellings, ADU’s) rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) systems. Based on California building, electrical, and fire codes, SolarAPP automatically performs a compliance check based on … Continued
The City Clerk is the local Elections Official who administers democratic processes such as elections, access to city records, and all legislative actions ensuring transparency to the public. The City Clerk acts as a compliance officer for federal, state, and local statutes including the Political Reform Act, the Brown Act, and the Public Records Act. … Continued
Per the California Public Records Act (CA GC 6250-6270): A “public record” includes any writing containing information relating to the conduct of the public’s business prepared, owned, used or retained by the City of Sonoma regardless of physical form or characteristics. Records are not just printed or handwritten documents, they may be video recordings or … Continued
(Partial listing, for full listing, see California Government Code Section 6250) Attorney-Client discussions are confidential, even if the agency is the client. (§§ 6254(k), 6254.25, 6276.04) Preliminary drafts, notes and memos may be withheld only if: (1) they are “not retained…in the ordinary course of business” and (2) “the public interest in withholding clearly outweighs the public … Continued