Archives: FAQs

How do I renew my vehicle registration?

Californians must renew their vehicles’ registration annually, as required by the CA Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Registration fees provide funding for such things as the building and upkeep of streets and highways, the California Highway Patrol, and local county departments. You can renew online, in-person, by mail or telephone at (800) 921-1117. You must renew in-person if … Continued

How do I pay my water bill?

There are several ways to pay your water bill: online, by mail, or in-person at City Hall during regular business hours. We are able to take cash, check, money order, and/or credit card at City Hall. Pay online with On-line BillPay Pay via mail or drop-off your payment to City of Sonoma No. 1, The … Continued

What are the zoning restrictions in the city?

Zoning restrictions in the city vary by property address. To find out the specific zoning designation of an address in the City of Sonoma, view the zoning map and contact the Planning Department for more information.  You can also reference Sonoma’s Geographic Information System (GIS) which provides instant access to property characteristics such as zoning, assessor’s information and … Continued

Are dogs allowed in the Plaza?

Dogs are not allowed in the Sonoma Plaza park, with the exception of service animals.  There is a small dog park located near the Community Meeting Room (175 First St. West). You can find listings of dog-friendly parks and open space areas using the online Community Parks & Recreation Directory. The Sonoma Valley Visitors Bureau … Continued

What is the sales tax within the city?

The current sales tax rate in Sonoma is 9.5% per the CA Department of Tax and Fee Administration. More information on sales tax rates by city and county can be found here. Last updated January 2nd, 2025.

How do I apply for job with the city?

Current openings are posted on the Employment page of the City’s website.  Full-time and part-time positions are recruited by the City on an as-needed basis when vacancies occur. Public Safety classifications for Police and Fire are provided for under separate contract with outside agencies.   All personnel recruitments and information for public safety classifications are handled by their respective … Continued

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