For special events, are there waste management guidelines?
Guidelines for Organizers Guidelines for Vendors Special Events Waste/Recycling Plan
Guidelines for Organizers Guidelines for Vendors Special Events Waste/Recycling Plan
The Post-Event Review is an opportunity for you, as the event organizer, staff and the CSEC to discuss the success of the event, and how to proceed in the future. Typically, this review provides a positive basis for continuing the event in the future, and an opportunity to let event organizers know about any changes … Continued
Birth, death, and marriage certificates are issued by the County of Sonoma Clerk-Recorder’s Office. Contact him on his website or by calling (707) 565-3800.
Property records are managed by the Sonoma County’s Assessor’s Office.
In 1992 the City Council adopted a Mobilehome Park Rent Control Ordinance to “assure that economic hardship to a substantial number of mobilehome park tenants in the City, many of whom are senior citizens on low fixed incomes, does not occur”. The ordinance also established “a mechanism to assist in in the resolution of disputes … Continued
Contact the Stormwater Compliance Specialist Chris Pegg at (707) 933-2245 or
The City provides an annual Water Quality Report.
Sonoma Valley Hospital is located at 347 Andrieux St. in Sonoma. It includes an emergency room and an intensive care unit.
Download the Street Sweeping Map to see the street sweeping schedule. More information regarding street sweeping is available on the Streets Division Page.
In 2016, Sonoma voters approved Measure W, which expanded the City’s existing regulations on smoking and tobacco product use. No smoking is allowed in the following areas: Public places such as parks, paths, streets and sidewalks; Public events such as festivals, fairs, farmers markets and concerts; Dining areas such as restaurants and bars; Service areas … Continued