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What do I have to do to protest the water rate increase?

  • Written protests can be mailed to the City Clerk or delivered in person. If you would like to protest these proposed water rates, you need to send a signed, written (not emailed) protest to the office of the City Clerk of the City of Sonoma by 6 pm on Wed- day, October 4, 2023. You may also attend the public hearing and submit a written protest to the City Clerk before the close of the Public Hearing on Wednesday, October 4, 2023
  • You must include your printed or typed name, the service ad- dress (or Assessor’s Parcel Number) for your account, and your signature. If this information is not clear and complete, your protest may not be counted.
  • You must state your opposition to the proposed fee.
  • One protest per parcel or account, by either an account holder or a property owner, will be sufficient to make an objection for that parcel. A majority protest requires written protests for a majority of the properties the City serves, measured by customer accounts.
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