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Is there any way to expedite my building permit?

FAST START Plan Check is a way to “fast track” the processing of your building permit application so you can get your project underway quickly. We recognize that for many projects, time is of the essence.  Using FAST START can significantly reduce the turnaround on your plan check, enabling you to get going faster.  There’s no additional fee for using the FAST START program.

Projects qualifying for FAST START at the time of initial application for a building permit will go to the front of the plan check line (immediately following any other FAST START plan check applications, of course).

To be eligible, your project must be submitted by a licensed architect, who utilizes the FAST START checklist to ensure that the project meets the program criteria and the submittal is complete. When City staff receives a qualifying FAST START application, we know that it is professionally prepared and comprehensive – which helps the plan check review go more quickly and smoothly.

If you’re a licensed architect, we’d be happy to meet with you to provide an overview of the FAST START process and answer any questions you may have.  For more information, contact the Building Department.

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