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SONOMA, CA – June 14, 2023 — The City of Sonoma (City) seeks community input to help shape the future of Olsen Park (Park), located on Linda Drive in northwestern Sonoma. The City’s Public Works Department and LandCulture LLP, the landscape architecture firm hired to renovate the Park, are conducting a public outreach and engagement process to develop a community vision and improvement plan for the Park. The public is encouraged to share their desires, thoughts, and feedback by taking an online survey now through July 5th in English at: lp.constantcontactpages.com/sv/bTTPr0I/OlsenSurvey and Spanish at: lp.constantcontactpages.com/sv/EUnyZ1A/OlsenSurveySPA.

The 2-acre park is located at 569 Linda Drive and can also be accessed from the City’s bike and pedestrian path. The PPRESS RELEASE Olsen Park Improvement Project FINALark currently includes vegetation, a basketball court, picnic tables, and a play structure. The Park was originally developed in 1984 with ADA upgrades in 2001. The City will use $120,249 of Quimby Act funds combined with $15,000 of General Fund dollars and $170,000 of Parks Measure M funds to pay for the renovation. Quimby Act funds are required to be committed by 2026 and must be used for the rehabilitation of parks and recreational facilities.
In addition to the online survey, the City will conduct an onsite Visioning Workshop to further identify the community’s improvement priorities for the upcoming renovation on July 8th at 10:00 a.m. Then on August 9th, time to be determined, The City and LandCulture will host an interactive, virtual community meeting to review design concepts.
“Parks play a vital role in enhancing the quality of life in a neighborhood and public plays a vital role in the park design process. We want Olsen Park’s improvements and design to align with the specific needs, desires, and priorities of the community,” says Public Works Director Mike Berger. “I encourage everyone to get involved and participate in the online survey, come to the visioning meeting, tune into the virtual meeting and sign up for project updates on the City’s website.”
In addition to the online survey, the City will conduct an onsite Visioning Workshop to further identify the community’s improvement priorities for the upcoming renovation on July 8th at 10:00 a.m. Then on August 9th, time to be determined, The City and LandCulture will host an interactive, virtual community meeting to review design concepts.
Initial public feedback from the survey will be considered by the City and LandCulture LLP to identify the community’s improvement priorities and to inform the initial conceptual design. The design will be available for public review, with additional feedback incorporated into the final design, which is expected to go to the City’s Parks and Recreation and Open Space Commission in fall 2023.
Learn more about the project, take the survey and sign up to receive email project updates at www.sonomacity.org/olsen-park-improvement-project/.
Media Contact:
CONTACT: Sarah Tracy, Sr. Management Analyst & PIO
EMAIL: stracy@sonomacity.org
PHONE: (707) 338-3759