The Sonoma City Council is pleased to announce a conditional offer of employment has been made to Mr. David M. Guhin, P.E., MAOD as Sonoma’s next City Manager. The offer is contingent on Council approval of an employment agreement, which will be considered at the April 19, 2023, Regular City Council Meeting. Mr. Guhin was selected after a nationwide recruitment and selection process involving community leaders, City staff and the City Council.
Mr. Guhin brings nearly two decades of government leadership experience including 18+ years at the City of Santa Rosa where he was tapped to take on several leadership roles as Director of Santa Rosa Water, Director of Planning and Economic Development, Interim Director of Transportation and Public Works, and finally 4 years as Assistant City Manager. Mr. Guhin left the City of Santa Rosa to take his current position as the Executive Director of Government Operations for the Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria, where, since September 2020, he has led the oversight and management of the organizational growth including cultural, educational, environmental and social program development.
Mr. Guhin has a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering (Environmental) from South Dakota School of Mines and Technology and a Master of Arts degree in Organizational Development from Sonoma State University. Mr. Guhin has particular expertise in hands-on project management, community engagement, cross-departmental improvements/process streamlining and implementing efficiencies to increase productivity and support Council Goals. Mr. Guhin led the development of the City of Santa Rosa’s Housing Action Plan, medical cannabis policies, and led the Emergency Operations Center Planning and Intelligence Section during the 2017 wildfires and conceived of and implemented the expedited rebuilding effort, including the web-based permit and parcel components that became a national model.
Mayor Sandra Lowe stated she and Council are very excited to hire Mr. Guhin, “I’m honored that David Guhin has accepted the role of City Manager. David’s background, stellar references and knowledge of Sonoma make him the perfect fit.” Mr. Guhin added, “Having lived in the County for over 20 years, I have been fortunate to spend a lot of time in the City enjoying the cultural arts and celebrations that sets Sonoma apart. I am looking forward to serving the community and supporting the Staff and the Council to implement their goals. I am grateful for this opportunity and will work tirelessly to protect and improve the quality of life for those who live, work, and play in this extraordinary community.”
Mr. Guhin will be paid an annual salary of $236,000 and will begin his employment with the City of Sonoma on May 8th.
Media Contact:
DATE: April 13, 2023
CONTACT: Sarah Tracy, Sr. Management Analyst & PIO
EMAIL: stracy@sonomacity.org
PHONE: (707) 338-3759