The County continues to process a large number of mailed ballots, and the election is not final until the results are certified by the County. Election results will change throughout the canvass period as vote-by-mail ballots, provisional ballots, and other ballots are processed. As of November 6, the “Unofficial Partial Results” for City ballot measures are as follows:
Measure V: Local Sales Tax Extension
YES 70.94%
NO 29.06%
Measure W: Urban Growth Boundary Extensions
YES 80.26%
NO 19.74%
Measure X: Cannabis Business Tax
YES 79.33%
NO 20.67%
Measure Y: Cannabis Cultivation and Business Initiative
YES 42.81%
NO 57.19%
Based on preliminary results, the two local tax measures (Measure V and Measure X) appear headed for passage, with a “majority vote plus one” requirement. Measure V would extend the City’s local half-cent sales tax on an ongoing basis, generating approximately $2.5 million annually (about 13% of the General Fund budget) to continue funding services such as emergency preparedness, infrastructure, street maintenance, parks, open space, community services, ambulance services, and public safety.
Mayor Logan Harvey stated, “I couldn’t be prouder of the town, and the way they voted last night. We will continue to face challenges this year from revenue shortfalls due to the effects of the pandemic, and we’ve made some significant budget cut-backs this year. But the City has healthy financial reserves that are designed to help us through times like this, and it’s looking like our local sales tax will be extended and we can move forward knowing that this critical source for funding services will remain in place.”
City Manager Cathy Capriola stated, “The City is deeply appreciative of the voters’ strong support for Measure V. We have a very dedicated City team working to meet the needs of our community and this vote shows a high level of support for the services we provide.”
Measure X would establish a new cannabis business tax effective January 1, 2021, of up 4% of gross receipts for commercial cannabis businesses in the City of Sonoma. If/when the City Council approves a cannabis business to operate in Sonoma, this tax would apply. As with Measure V, revenues from Measure X go to the City’s General Fund to support local services.
Additional information on each ballot measure and what passage would mean can be found at the City elections page. Sonoma County election night results can be found here.