The following is a message from the Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District (Sonoma Water) regarding the portable pumps located at the intersection of W. Spain St. and Junipero Serra Dr.
As part of the sewer trunk main replacement project, the contractor is conducting a 24-hour bypass procedure to allow the removal of a section of the old pipeline at the corner of Highway 12 and West Spain and a connection of the new pipeline. Portable pumps are used to pump wastewater from one manhole to a second manhole and bypass the old pipeline temporarily.
The two portable pumps staged in the street on Junipero Serra Drive and West Spain Street will run as needed, sometimes for 24 hours at a time. There is also a portable light standard powered by a portable generator that will be used for visibility and traffic safety.
The portable pumps are expected to remain at that location for another week. For more information, please visit Sonoma Water’s Sewer Trunk Main Replacement Project Page or contact Barry Dugan, 707-547-1930,