Parks, Cemeteries & Facilities Division

Parks Make Life Better! People of all ages enjoy Sonoma’s 17 parks encompassing nearly 40 acres, nine play structures, two public restrooms, Class I bike trails, hiking trails, a duck pond, and a rose garden. The Division strives to make all City parks safe, functional, and presentable to its citizens and visitors. Staff also performs vandalism abatement and are closely involved in the planning of special events held in the Sonoma Plaza Park and Depot Park. The Parks, Cemeteries & Facilities Division is staffed by the Supervisor, one Senior Maintenance Worker, three Maintenance Workers, and two part-time Maintenance Workers.

The City also partners with the Sonoma Overlook Trail Stewards for maintenance of the Sonoma Overlook Trail and with the Sonoma Ecology Center for maintenance and operation of Sonoma Garden Park, the Montini Preserve, the Nathanson Creek Preserve, and Fryer Creek East Fork Trail-way. In addition, the City, along with the help of volunteers, maintains over four miles of Class I bikepaths. Please refer to “Adopt-A-Bike Path” to find out more about the program.
The Division maintains three cemeteries: Mountain, Veterans, and Valley, encompassing over 15 usable acres. Learn more on the Cemeteries page.

The Division maintains over 48,000 square feet of building space in eight facilities, including City Hall and the Carnegie Building on the Plaza.