The Montaldo Apartments Project is a proposed residential development at 19320 Sonoma Highway featuring 50 three-story residential apartment units with ground-floor entrances and garages, vehicle circulation, common open space, and landscaping. 25 percent of the project would be reserved for low-income households. The project would combine two existing parcels into a 2.15-acre lot and remove an existing single-family residential structure.
- On September 9, 2021, a Study Session was conducted at the Planning Commission for a 55-unit multi-family residential development. Here is a link to the Planning Commission meeting agenda: https://sonomacity.civicweb.net/document/48157/
- On June 9, 2022, a proposal was submitted by DeNova Homes for a 7-building, 50-unit apartment complex containing Design Review, Use Permit, Demolition Review, Landscape Review, and Sign Permit applications.
- On August 12, 2022, the project submittal was deemed complete but subject to an environmental review, pursuant to CEQA.
For more information, please visit the Montaldo Apartments page. For questions, please contact the Planning Department. Call (707) 938-3681 or email planning@sonomacity.org.