The City of Sonoma is pleased to introduce Associate Planner Kristina Tierney. Kristina is a land use and environmental planner with fifteen years of experience, including 10 years as a planner for Marin County. Kristina specializes in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and has worked on large infrastructure projects all over California. She has worked for the City as an extra-hire planner since September 2018 on projects such as Mockingbird Lane, Sonoma Garden Park, and recent General Plan and Development Code Amendments.
Kristina was born and raised in Sonoma and attended Sonoma Valley High School. She graduated from UC Berkeley with a B.S. in Environmental Sciences and from UC Santa Barbara with a Masters in Environmental Science and Management. She and her husband returned to Sonoma in 2007 and are busy raising their three kids Alyssa (10), Austin (8), and Eva (5). She loves planning Sonoma’s future and not driving Highway 37 every day.
Welcome, Kristina!