The City of Sonoma will hold a special City Council meeting on Monday, October 14th starting at 2:00 p.m. for a General Plan Study Session. The General Plan is the blueprint for the city’s future development, shaping everything from housing and transportation to open space and public services. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the plan and how it will influence Sonoma for years to come.
For more details on the General Plan and to sign up for updates, visit the project website at www.sonomacity.generalplan.org.
How to Participate:
- Attend in Person: City Council Chambers, 177 First St. West
- Watch Live: Tune in on Channel 27 or stream it on the City’s CivicWeb Portal
Public Comment – You can attend the meeting and speak during the designated comment period or submit your thoughts in advance through the public comment form on our CivicWeb Portal.
Stay informed and be a part of shaping Sonoma’s future!