Fryer Creek Pedestrian & Bicycle Bridge Project
Project Location: Located over Fryer Creek at Newcomb Street, extending east along Newcomb Street to the intersection of Newcomb St. and Fryer Creek Drive.
Project Description: The Fryer Creek Pedestrian & Bicycle Bridge Project (Project) included the construction of a new bicycle and pedestrian bridge and circulation and accessibility improvements. The project has improved access for residents on both sides of Fryer Creek and connectivity to the citywide bicycle and pedestrian system, providing a safer route to local schools, places of employment, residential areas, parks and other destinations.
The bridge has been constructed over Fryer Creek to connect Newcomb Street on the east and the existing multi-use paths and Manor Drive on the west. This new 8-foot wide, 60-foot long paved bicycle and pedestrian path will extend from the eastern bridge approach to the existing residential driveway on the north side of Newcomb Street. A new sidewalk and associated curb and gutter was constructed along Newcomb Street. This project was completed in November 2022.
Project Budget: The City was awarded a federally funded One Bay Area Grant (OBAG) through the OBAG 2 program led by the Sonoma County Transportation Authority. This grant partially funded the construction phase of the project. $70,656 from the Quimby Act was allocated in the Federal Fiscal Year 2021/22. In the Fiscal Year 2022/23 Capital Improvement Program budget, Public Works asked for an additional $120,000 of State Gas Tax funding, 100,000 of Transportation Measure M funding, and $50,000 from the City's General Fund for the construction phase of this project.
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