2020 Fire Flow Improvement Project
Current Status
The construction contract for the project was awarded to D & D Pipelines, Inc. following a competitive bidding process. Construction is expected to begin at the end of July 2021. See the Bid Opening Summary Table.
Project Description
Proposed activities include saw cutting and demolition of existing hot mix asphalt pavement and other surface materials, including surface concrete facilities, trench excavation, abandonment of portions of existing water mains, installation of new water mains including all-new fittings, gate valves, air release valves, connections to existing water mains, reconnection of existing water services, backfill and compaction, surface restoration, including hot mix asphalt paving and slurry seal, concrete sidewalk, driveway and/or curb and gutter, traffic control, and other related work, as set forth on the Project Plans and Specifications.
Project Locations
In general, the project includes the installation of new 8” or 10” water mains in portions of Junipero Serra Drive, Broadway, and Denmark Street, replacement of water services, and installation of fire hydrants on existing lines in Denmark Street, 2nd St East, and W. Spain St.

Providing High Quality, Dependable Water! Residents, visitors and businesses in Sonoma count on the City to deliver high-quality, dependable water for a variety of community needs including consumption, irrigation and fire protection. The Water Utility is funded through the Water Enterprise Fund. The City’s water sources are the Sonoma County Water Agency (Sonoma Water) Aqueduct and local groundwater wells. The City’s water system is a complex array of pumps, pipes, and tanks that distribute water to residences and businesses.
The City operates and maintains 4,505 water service connections/meters, 1,823 valves, 508 fire hydrants, six water tanks, eight wells, two booster pump stations, and 58 miles of underground water main pipes. In 2020, over 600 million gallons of water were delivered to customers. The Water Utility’s primary responsibility is to deliver safe and reliable water to City residents and the outside service area, while seeking to improve water supply reliability and water conservation. City water continues to meet all state and federal drinking water standards.
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