The Final Draft Active Transportation Plan is now available for public review! This comprehensive plan incorporates feedback received during the October 24, 2024, Planning Commission meeting, as well as online comments submitted through November 30, 2024.
Over the past 18 months, the City of Sonoma has collaborated with the Sonoma County Transportation Authority (SCTA) to develop a coordinated, countywide Active Transportation Plan. As part of this effort, the City has updated its 2014 Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan with a new Active Transportation Plan that reflects current needs and priorities.
The Final Draft Plan is scheduled to be presented to the City Council at their January 15, 2025, meeting. After its adoption, the plan will enter the next phase, which includes integration into the General Plan Circulation Element update currently underway, pursuing grant opportunities, project development, and implementation.
You can review the Final Draft Plan here: Final Draft Active Transportation Plan (PDF).