The Building Division team is developing a new permit process to introduce express permits for several types of projects. This change will streamline the permitting process, allowing permits to be issued and inspections scheduled online through our online permitting system.
The following permit types are under consideration for this new process to enhance efficiency:
- Reroofing
- Residential Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Systems with an output of 10 kW or less
- Energy Storage Systems (ESS) with a capacity of 20 kWh or less
- Electrical Service Panel Changeout
- Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (EVCS) Level 1 or 2 for Dwelling Units
- Standby Power Generators
- Temporary Electric Power Poles
- HVAC Equipment Replacement
- Gas Fireplace Inserts
- Water Heater Replacement
- Conversion to Heat Pump or Tankless Water Heater
- Residential Bathroom Renovations (without removal of walls)
- Residential Kitchen Renovations (without removal of walls)
We will provide updates throughout the implementation process and announce the official start date. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Building Official, Joey Tignor by calling (707) 933-2211 or email Jtignor@sonomacity.org