Expedited Solar Permitting for One & Two-Family Dwellings
Solar PV Installations of 10 kW or Less in One- and Two-Family Dwellings
This page provides all of the needed links to forms and checklists necessary to utilize the City’s Expedited Solar Permitting Process for One- & Two-Family Dwellings. This process provides an expedited and streamlined permitting process for qualifying small rooftop solar systems for one-and two-family dwellings that are no larger than 10 kilowatts AC nameplate rating or 30 kilowatts thermal. Once all of the documentation is correctly completed and submitted, a Limited Scope Building Permit will be processed and approved for issuance in a timely manner (usually 2 to 5 business days).
Step 1. Download, review and complete the applicable Expedited Solar Toolkit forms for your specific type of solar project from below:
- Expedited Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Permits
- Expedited Solar Domestic Water Heating Permits
- Expedited Solar Pool Heating Permits
Step 2. Apply online for a Building Permit Here.
Communications regarding the Building Permit Application will be through the online portal.
Contractors Can Use SolarAPP+ for Faster Rooftop Solar Plan Review
SolarAPP+ is an automated application for permitting new residential rooftop solar and storage systems that result in instantaneous plan review. SolarAPP+ lowers costs and expedites solar permits and installations, encouraging property owners to invest in generating renewable and sustainable energy.
SolarAPP+ Automated Solar PV Plan Review 
Before applying for an SolarAPP+ automated solar plan review, projects must follow certain requirements. At this time, SolarAPP+ is designed to provide a code-compliance check for the majority of residential, roof-mounted, retrofit photovoltaic systems. To see which systems are eligible, please refer to the Eligibility Checklists and review the applicable system type for the system you are proposing. Only projects that conform to the applicable system Eligibility Checklist are eligible to use the automated SolarAPP+ portal for instant plan review.
If you are a licensed contractor or installer you must register for a new SolarAPP+ account to apply for a SolarApp+ Plan Review.
(Non-licensed owner-builders must apply for a Limited Scope Building Permit or regular Building Permit (which requires a full plan review).
Step 1. Submit for automated review through SolarAPP+
- To start using SolarAPP+, register and submit your design through the SolarAPP+ Webpage.
- A processing fee will be charged by SolarAPP+.
- Download the approved documentation from SolarAPP+ (e.g. Approval ID#, Inspection Checklist, Specification Sheets).
- Go to the SolarAPP+ Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) for more information regarding the SolarAPP+ plan review program.
Step 2. Apply for a City of Sonoma SolarAPP+ Solar Permit.
- If you are not already registered to use the City’s online permitting system, follow these instructions for signing up and creating a profile.
- Once registered, go to the City of Sonoma Online Permits web site and select the Building Division Permits and Applications tile, then select SolarAPP+ Solar Permit.
- Enter all requested information and upload (to Attachments) the approved documentation received from SolarAPP+ (e.g. Inspection Checklist, Specification Sheets) in the applicable location.
- Upload any other required documents in Attachments (e.g. Electronic Digital Signature Disclosure Form, etc.) and submit the SolarAPP+ Solar Permit application.
- Pay the SolarAPP+ Solar Permit fees when requested and receive the SolarAPP+ Solar Permit from the City.
- Download and print the issued SolarAPP+ Solar Permit from the City, the approved Inspection Checklist and the approved Specification Sheets for use by the installer and building inspector at the job site. A copy of this documentation must be available at the job site the entire time that the permit is active.
Step 3. Install work and schedule required inspections.
- To schedule required inspections, call City Hall at 707-938-3681 and have the following information ready:
- SolarAPP+ Solar Permit number
- Project jobsite address
- Type of inspection requested
- Requested Date for inspection
- Requested Time for inspection (early AM, late AM, Early PM, late PM or anytime)
- Name and cellphone number of person requesting the inspection
- Any special instructions such as gate codes, etc.
- at least one business day prior to the date for the inspection.
- Inspections can usually be conducted as early as the next regular business day, depending on inspector availability. Be sure to have all permit documentation available on-site for the building inspector.