Scoping Session for the Montaldo Apartments Project

Join us for a Scoping Session on August 1, 2024, to discuss the proposed Montaldo Apartments Project. This event provides an opportunity for the community to learn about the project, understand the areas of environmental analysis, and offer feedback.
At the session, the City will present the project, which includes 50 three-story residential apartment units with ground-floor entrances and garages, vehicle circulation, common open space, and landscaping. Additionally, 25 percent of the units will be reserved for low-income households. The project will combine two existing parcels into a 2.15-acre lot and remove an existing single-family residential structure.
Community members are encouraged to review the Notice of Preparation (NOP) and share their insights and concerns about the project. Written comments can be submitted from July 12th to August 13th. Submissions can be emailed to or mailed to:
Community Development Department
Re: Montaldo Apartments
No. 1 The Plaza
Sonoma, CA 95476
Please note that the meeting will not be broadcast or recorded, and remote attendance options will not be available. We look forward to your participation.