Sonoma has an amazing number of beautiful parks spread throughout the city. Have you explored them all? Now is your chance.

The City of Sonoma is sponsoring a scavenger hunt for Earth Week focusing on 12 of the City’s parks. The City created a map that connects these 12 parks. Participants are especially encouraged to bike or walk the trail during the contest, April 21 to April 28. On the back of the map, there are 12 scavenger hunt clues.
Participants can drop off their answers to City Hall by Friday, April 28th. All correct answer sheets will be eligible for a drawing for a prize! Limit one entry per person.
Scavenger Hunt maps and clues can be downloaded on the City’s website and picked up at Sonoma City Hall at No. 1 The Plaza and at the Sonoma Valley Visitors Bureau at 453 First St. E during business hours beginning Friday, April 21st.
Find more earth day events, activities, and actions at www.sonomacity.org/earth-action/