The City of Sonoma Planning Department is pleased to announce that the HCD Review Draft Housing Element was submitted to the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) for review on October 26, 2022.
HCD has 90-days to review the draft Housing Element and provide comments to the City. During this time, community members, residents, and anyone with housing interests in the City is welcome to review the HCD Review Draft Housing Element and provide comments to the City at publiccoment@sonomacity.org.
The draft Housing Plan can be viewed or downloaded on the City’s website in three parts.
Physical copies are available to review at Sonoma City Hall located at No. 1, The Plaza; Sonoma Valley Regional Library located at 755 W Napa St, and the Vintage House located at 264 1st St E.
Learn more about the City’s Housing Element Update and sign up for email updates on the City’s website at www.sonomacity.org/housing-element-update/.