Doyle Annexation and Prezoning

Project Location: 5th Street East and Napa Road

Project Description: Pre-zoning and annexation of a 2.96-acre parcel located at the corner of Fifth Street East and Napa Road. The project site is bounded by Jones Street to the west, Napa Road to the south, and 5th Street East to the east and is surrounded by residential development. The project site is developed with a single-family residence and several detached accessory structures and contains a variety of mature trees. The project site is located outside the city limits but is within the Urban Growth Boundary and Sphere of Influence. The property is designated as Mixed Use by the City of Sonoma General Plan. The property is also identified as an “Area of Change” in the Community Development Element of the General Plan. The previous General Plan designated the property as Sonoma Residential. The applicant is requesting that the property be pre-zoned Mixed Use (MX) and annexed into the City of Sonoma. After annexation, the applicant would submit a development application for the site.

Contact the Planning Department:  Call (707) 938-3681 or Email

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