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PSPS Extended Power Outage PowerPoint Presentation

September 6, 2019
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At the September 4th, 2019 meeting, City staff provided an update to the City Council and the community about our efforts to prepare for the PG&E Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS).  This document is the PowerPoint presentation from that meeting. You can also watch a recording of the presentation (presentation starts at 1:34:30) for an overview of this important topic online.


If PG&E determines the need to de-energize major transmission lines, we need to be prepared to be without power for as many as 7 days.  The City has been working to ensure that the City services will continue during an extended power outage and has put together information for Sonoma residents and businesses to help prepare for a potential power shutoff. In addition, we have created an Extended Power Outage webpage as part of the City’s Emergency Preparedness information where you can find more resources and information about PG&E’s PSPS program and ways you can better prepare for extended power outages.

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