The Depot Park First Street West Frontage Improvements Project will reduce the risk of flooding for homes and businesses along First Street West and improve safety for people traveling along First Street West during storms, while retaining an open drainage channel along Depot Park. Improvements include removal of stumps and roots from four large Eucalyptus trees, widening and stabilizing the open drainage channel along First Street West, reconstruction of a pathway in Depot Park, and minor pavement markings on First Street West in the project area. The project is out to bid from July 16, 2020 until 2:00 pm on August 6, 2020. The Notice to Bidders and bid documents are available at sonomaplanroom.com.
The project will decrease flooding of First Street West during storms, repair the site where a collapsed metal pipe culvert was removed in winter of 2019, and stabilize the channel against erosion. The existing boardwalk and picnic areas near the channel at Depot Park will not be impacted. New trees and landscape plants will be planted along the channel shortly after the channel widening project is completed.
Find more information on the Depot Park First Street West Frontage Improvements Project page for more information.