Commissions & Committees
Public involvement is crucial to the City’s decision-making process, and appointed advisory bodies are an important and valued part of City government. There are particular areas of decision-making which benefit from the advice and counsel of qualified residents. Advisory bodies assist the City Council in making the most informed decisions. The Sonoma Municipal Code provides for the establishment of advisory bodies including commissions and committees to advise the City Council and provide ongoing citizen input into policies and issues affecting the Sonoma Community.
See the Commission Administrative Policy for more information and an outline of Council policies pertaining to the City’s Commissions and Committees and set forth a structure that encourages meaningful involvement by the community in decision-making.
For a list of current members, please see the Commission & Committee Roster.
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Meetings & Agendas
Find a list of upcoming meetings below. Visit our CivicWeb Portal for agendas and more information.