198 First Street West, Sonoma, CA 95476
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Sonoma Overlook Trail
For more information: www.overlookmontini.org
Age Group(s) Served: Youth, Teen, Adult, Senior
Hours: Open daylight hours year-round
Map it
Description: Main access is from 1st St. West/Norbomm Road at the entrance to Mountain Cemetery. The upper trailhead takes off from Toyon Road within the cemetery.
Sonoma Overlook Trail offers views of Sonoma Valley and the San Francisco Bay just a few blocks north of Sonoma Plaza. The main trail, including the Upper Loop, is about 2.4 miles round trip, with an elevation gain of ±400 ft. Sonoma Overlook Trail Stewards, an all-volunteer group, maintains the trail and provides information on the trail system’s flora, fauna, and history.
A diverse array of native plants and animals grace the gentle grade trail. Tree communities include California buckeye, blue oak, California bay laurel and coast live oak. The trail system is home to deer, foxes, turkeys, lizards, snakes, raptors, song birds and more. Hundreds of native wildflowers grace the hillsides, including California Poppy, Lupin, Vetch, Hyacinth, Monkey Flower and Mariposa Lilly.
The trail is open to the public for walking during daylight hours. A kiosk at the main trailhead includes a map and information on birding and native plants. Benches are located in several spots along the trail. Dogs, bikes, horses and smoking prohibited.