About 300 community members attended the Special City Council Meeting on Public Safety, Parks and Facilities, and Homelessness Services / Programs on Tuesday, February 11th, 2020, at the Sonoma Veterans Hall. The presentation is available to view online and a recording of the meeting is posted on the City’s YouTube Channel.
The community meeting began with a Powerpoint Presentation on the history and current status of homeless services provided, including the Safe Parking Program; current laws and court cases that limit enforcement available to cities and impact the provision of homeless services; a briefing on the recent assault and arrest that occurred along the Sonoma Bike Path; and current state of homelessness in the Sonoma County and efforts/initiatives underway by Sonoma County. The presentation was followed by Council Questions and Public Comment.
The City Council then discussed and provided direction to staff. Overall, members of the City Council stated their commitment to improving safety and security of Field of Dreams and related parking lot immediately and outlined a need for a better long term location(s) and facilities for homeless services in the Sonoma Valley to provide the necessary programs, services in an integrated strategy with Sonoma County and other cities.
- Provide more security, increase enforcement for greater community safety.
- Review Safe Parking Program parameters for clarity and refinement with Working Group comprised of key stakeholders including Council Sub-Committee, Sonoma Overnight Support, Police, Sonoma Valley Field of Dreams, and Youth Sports representatives.
- Initiate research, outreach and planning to seek alternative future location(s) for homeless services in partnership with Sonoma Overnight Support, Sonoma County and key community stakeholders and representatives in a multi-year process.
The Council will consider the following items at their meeting on Tuesday, February 19th at 6:00 pm:
- Discuss, Consider, and Possibly Take Action Regarding Additional Security and Enforcement near the Field of Dreams, Input and Process for Updates to the Safe Parking Program and the City’s Memorandum of Understanding with Sonoma Overnight Support, and to Initiate Planning for Location Search for Alternative Homeless Facilities and Services.
- Review and Appoint Council Members to an Ad-Hoc Sub-Committees for Safe Parking Program and the Location Search for Alternative Homeless Facilities efforts and other sub-committees as needed.
- Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Contract for Security Services and for other Related Expenses and Authorize Budget Allocation for up to $35,000 for FY 19/20 (City Manager)
The meeting will be held at City Council Chambers at 177 First St. West and can also be viewed on channel 27 or on the City’s CivicWeb portal. If you would like to receive future meeting notifications via email, please subscribe on our CivicWeb portal.