Planning on going to Tuesday Farmers’ Market this week? So are we!
The City of Sonoma invites community members to talk about enhancing the streetscape along Broadway, south of the Sonoma Plaza, during the next Tuesday Farmers’ Market on June 11th. The goal is to develop and approve a Broadway Striping Plan by Spring 2020, for potential implementation with Caltrans’ SR 12 paving project, and we want your input!
- Look for Vice Mayor Logan Harvey and the project team wearing bright colored vests at the Farmers’ Market on Tuesday, June 11.
- Stop by the table on the west side of the horseshoe lawn and sign up to stay informed.
- Join walking tours starting at 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. at the southeast corner of Broadway and Napa Street (in front of Union Bank).
- Talk to the project team members walking around the Plaza wearing bright colored vests.
So, hop on the new Route 32 Shuttle Express, a free shuttle bus now running Tuesday evenings between Adele Harrison Middle School and the Sonoma Plaza every 15 minutes from 5:00 p.m.- 8:30 p.m., and we’ll see you at the market!
Can’t attend this week? Sign up to receive updates from the Public Works Department to stay informed about Broadway Streetscape Project progress, submit your email address on the Public Works Department Page.