Climate Action Strategies & Achievements
Climate Action Strategies
The City of Sonoma has set a challenging goal of reaching “net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2030.” The Climate Action Commission worked closely with city staff to prepare the Climate Action Strategies, setting out a range of feasible measures to accomplish this objective. This draft plan was updated after receiving public comment and input and the final draft was adopted by the City Council at thier January 17th meeting.
Progress and Achievements in Sustainability
The City is leading in its commitment to sustainability by making significant progress toward reducing its greenhouse gas pollution and enhancing environmental sustainability.
This progress is a result of the City undertaking a wide range of actions and initiatives to implement climate actions and improve the sustainability performance of both government operations and the community at large.
- December 2019, the City hired its first-ever part-time Sustainability Coordinator.
- April 2020, the City published the comprehensive report, Sonoma’s Climate Action and Environmental Sustainability Accomplishments.
- May 2020, the City Council adopted a work plan to implement specific climate and environmental sustainability actions.
- June 2020, the City Council adopted a resolution declaring a Climate Emergency.
- February 2021, the city's Joint Climate Action Subcommittee held its first meeting.
- June 2022, the City Council approved the formation of a Climate Action Commission
- February 2023, the City's new Climate Action Commission held its first meeting.
- January 2024, the Sonoma City Council adopts the Climate Action Strategies upon recommendation of the Climate Action Commission
Partners in Sustainability
Achieving sustainability is a collaborative, community-based effort. By sharing information, resources, activities, and capabilities, the City and its partners can accomplish actions together.
Please visit our partners' websites to learn more about how these organizations are supporting sustainability efforts in Sonoma.