*UPDATE – the due date for proposal submittals has been extended to Wednesday, April 5th at 5:00 PM in response to prospective applicant questions. Please note the following clarifications:
- This project may require an EIR. Please provide in your proposal reasoning for the level of environmental review that the proposed project will require.
- For Task 2, please scope for peer review as an optional task only on background studies and technical reports that would change the scope of the environmental review. In this case, the HRE is likely to require that the proposed project go through an EIR, so please scope for the HRE and any other technical reports that you feel are significant as optional tasks. The applicant should revise reports in light of peer review findings, however additional reports that may be required could be an optional task within your proposal.
- Applicants should plan and propose for attendance at three public hearings – the scoping meeting, planning commission, and city council. Likewise, please include planning and preparation for a scoping meeting, NOP preparation, and preparation of a Findings/Statement of Overriding Considerations document.
Original Post:
The City of Sonoma is seeking a qualified consultant to provide environmental review services for the Montaldo Apartments Residential Project, consisting of two parcels to be developed with seven multifamily residential buildings containing 50 apartment units located at 19320 Sonoma Highway (APN 127-202-006 and -007).
The applicant proposes that the two parcels would be combined into a single property and an existing structure would be demolished to allow for ingress to the interior parcel lacking street frontage. The City is seeking a consultant to satisfy the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for the project. This Scope of Work includes all tasks necessary to prepare the required CEQA documentation and support the project through the approval process. RFPs are due by 5:00 P.M., March 31, 2023. View and/or download the RFP.
Please submit questions related to this RFP before 2:00 PM on March 31st to Alaina Lipp, Associate Planner, via email only at alipp@sonomacity.org.