The City of Sonoma recently opened the bidding process for the 2019 Citywide Slurry Seal construction project.
The bid opening will occur on August 12th at City Hall in Sonoma. The project specifications and maps of the proposed project location are available at

This project is part of the City’s commitment to keeping the City’s streets and multi-use pathways in a safe and functional condition for multi-modal circulation. The project is expected to generally involve street surface treatment (slurry seal) for 5 street segments and 2 multi-use pathway segments throughout the City. The project construction phase will be funded with a combination of tax revenue generated from Senate Bill 1, the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017, and funding from the City’s General Fund. If a construction contract is awarded by the City Council shortly after the bid opening, construction is expected to be completed in Fall 2019. Please see the project page on the City’s website for additional information.