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City Council Provides Direction for Final Language for UGB Measure

Posted on June 3, 2020

At their meeting on June 1, 2020, City Council reviewed a draft version of the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) Ballot Measure for the November 2020 Election. After receiving public comment, City staff was directed to make changes to the draft. Download the updated UGB Measure and “strikeout” version of the draft measure with deletions and additions on the UGB webpage. Changes to the draft and include:

  1. “5 Acres” in one-year inclusion into the UGB – the draft now retains the current language in the General Plan which is taken from the 2000 ballot measure (Measure “S”) for the calculation of “gross” acreage. Added language to allow exceptions for riparian or natural resources, etc., has been deleted.
  2. Removal of an exception finding regarding the availability of vacant and undeveloped land in the City has been deleted as it was considered subjective and unclear.
  3. The City Council voting structure for future amendments to the UGB is set at 4/5th.

Council is scheduled to review the updated version, receive public input and finalize the draft at their meeting on June 29, 2020. For more information and background, please visit the UGB webpage.

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